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lgc envs

The lgc envs command manages the environments that describes your organization by associating one or more services to a given environment such as prod or dev.

lgc envs add

This command creates a new environment.

For example to create a staging environment, run:

~$ lgc envs add staging


Environment IDs must respect kebab-case convention.

Finally, if you are creating an environment that already exists, you will see this error:

~$ lgc envs add staging
ERROR environment `staging` already exists

This command attaches a service to an environment.

For example, if the service 'splunk-prod' exists, to link it to the prod environment, run:

~$ lgc envs link prod --service-id splunk-prod
 INFO service `splunk-prod` linked to environement `prod`

See also lgc services

lgc envs list

This command lists existing environments.

~$ lgc envs list
`prod`: 1 service(s)
`dev`: 3 service(s)

The name of the environment are returned with the total number of services attached to each environment.

lgc envs remove

This command deletes an environment.

For example to remove the staging environment, run:

~$ lgc envs remove staging


This will not remove the services that may be linked to the deleted environment.

This command removes a service from an environment, without removing the declaration of the service itself.

~$ lgc envs unlink prod -s splunk-prod
 INFO service `splunk-prod` unlinked from environement `prod`


To remove a service completely, see lgc services remove