lgc ping
This command validates network connectivity in between lgc and the remote systems by opening a network connection to one or more services. This is a troubleshooting command.
% lgc ping [<IDENTIFIER>]
When ping is called without parameter, all services are contacted.
% lgc ping
splunk-prod... OK
splunk-dev... when calling ping for plugin 'splunk': ErrorCode::DnsError(DnsErrorPayload { rcode: Some("address not available"), info-code: Some(0) })
tanium-prod... OK
If the provided identifier is a service, ping only connects to the specified service.
% lgc ping my-service
my-service... OK
Finally, if the provided identifier is an environment, then all services belonging to that environment are contacted.
% lgc ping prod
splunk-prod... OK
tanium-prod... OK
Technically speaking, lgc ping
opens a socket to the remote host. This ensures that name resolution (DNS), routing, and firewall rules are correctly configured.