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lgc services

This command lets you manage the services your organisation rely on for its defenses, for example a SIEM instance, an EDR appliance and any other security tools.

A service must be associated to a specific plugin, a specific technology, and most often services also belong to environments (production, development, staging, etc).

1 service = 1 plugin

lgc relies on a plugin system to integrate with various technologies. A service is an instantiation of a plugin with specific contextual parameters.

lgc services create


This command creates a new service.

The following command creates a new service in interactive mode:

% lgc services create
Select the plugin to use: splunk
Service identifier: splunk-prod
Environment name (optional): prod
Do you want to configure the plugin now? (y/n) n
INFO service `splunk-prod` successfully created.

These parameters can also be set from the command line as illustrated below:

% lgc services create -i splunk-prod -p splunk -e prod
INFO service 'splunk-prod' successfully created.


--identifier|-i <IDENTIFIER>RequiredSet the new service identifier
--plugin|-p <PLUGIN_NAME>RequiredPlugin to use
--env|-e <IDENTIFIER>OptionalEnvironment name this service belongs to
--configure|-cOptionalIf set, launch the interactive service configuration

lgc services configure

This command configures a service previously created using lgc services create.

A service is associated to a plugin so each service has different parameters and this command lets you tune these parameters to match your environment.

% lgc services configure <IDENTIFIER>
// interactive prompt with plugin specific parameters

Configure a service at creation

The plugin configuration can occur right after the service creation using the --configure parameter. See lgc services create for details.

lgc services list

This command lists existing services defined in the configuration file.

% lgc services list
service    : mspr-stnl
environment: staging
plugin     : sentinel
service    : shc-prd-01
environment: production
plugin     : splunk

lgc services remove

This command deletes an existing service.

% lgc services remove <IDENTIFIER>

Note that the service definition is removed from the configuration file but detections aren't impacted. To clear a remote system, see lgc destroy