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Compiling from the sources

This procedure should only be followed by contributors to the project. If you are a regular user or just want to give a try to lgc, follow this procedure that uses pre-compiled binaries instead.


LogCraft follows a monorepo approach with almost everything related to the command-line utility located in the same repository tree, including its documentation and all officially maintained plugins.

The first step in compiling lgc from the sources is to install moonrepo. Please refer to this official documentation.

Building from the sources

Building lgc from the sources is pretty straightforward.

First, install moonrepo on your system.

Then, run moon lgc:build from the root of the repository to build the command-line utility.

As lgc relies on plugins to interact with remote systems, run moon '#plugin:build' from the root of the repository to build all plugins. Alternatively, run moon <PLUGIN_NAME>:build to only build the desired plugin.

Finally, the resulting binaries are located in:

  • apps/lgc/target/release/lgc (command-line utility)
  • plugins/<PLUGIN_NAME>/target/release/<PLUGIN_NAME> (Plugin)

Build commands

The following table summarise the most used commands to work in this repository.

CommandWhat is does
moon :buildBuild everything
moon lgc:buildBuild the lgc command
moon '#plugin:build'Build all plugins
moon <PLUGIN_NAME>:buildBuild the plugin <PLUGIN_NAME>
moon docs:buildBuild this documentation 😃

Other moon commands can be useful depending on your need, please refer to the official documentation of moon.